Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ash - Carnal Love

Ash had released a new video for their latest single, Carnal Love. Reaksi saya pas denger lagu ini : “Wow, this is the classic Ash tune!”. Ya lagu ini mengingatkan saya kepada lagu-lagu Ash di jaman album Nu-Clear Sounds dan Free All Angels. And i fell in love right away.
Well i dont know the lyrics yet, but it sounds great, dan menurut gambaran kasar saya lagu ini tentang cinta yang obsesif hingga cenderung liar/karnal. Video klip nya lumayan bikin rada jijik yah, nampilin Tim yang makan bermacam cake dengan berbagai bentuk yang bisa dibilang absurd.
Saya harap Ash akan lebih banyak bikin lagu kaya gini lagi di masa depan. Sebagai fan, saya memang ga keberatan kalo mereka eksperimen sedikit, tapi harus saya akui saya kangen sama tipikal lagu-lagu Ash yang saya sukai dari dulu.
Godspeed, Ash.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Penyet-penyetan dashyat

Kamiyu udah ga sabaran pengen makan....
Hari minggu kemaren saya dan teman-teman Hey!Down menyambangi rumah makan Bu Kris di bilangan Fatmawati. Ceritanya abis karaokean perutnya pada laper, apalagi saya yang hari itu belom sempet makan dari pagi. Langsung deh saya pesen iga penyet dengan sambel yang super pedas (yum!). Dan ternyata memang enak banget itu yang namanya iga penyet Bu Kris, sambelnya berhasil bikin saya megap-megap cari kasih cari udara.Sebagai hardcore fan sambel terasi, lidah saya berasa dimanja... Niat hati ingin nyoba ayam goreng penyetnya tapi sayang perut sudah keburu kenyang. Yang kurang dari hidangan ini cuma porsi nasi yang kurang banyak ya, setidaknya untuk perut saya hahahaha.
Dan untuk minumannya pilihan saya jatuh kepada Es Soda Gembira. Well, sebenernya sama aja kaya soda susu, tapi kayanya sedikit dikasi sirup. Saya sempet terkejut dengan porsinya yang lumayan besar (bisa diliat di gambar). And this one didnt let me down too, seger banget...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Say hello to my little new friend!

Akhirnya setelah sekian lama, saya punya mainan baru, orang-orangan Revoltech yang namanya Kamiyu (sebenarnya tulisannya Camus, cuma bacanya Kamiyu), salah satu karakter dari film/manga/anime Detroit Metal City. Waktu itu saya lagi jalan di PIM barengan sama temen-temen kantor, iseng mampir ke Multitoys ternyata lagi diskon hehehe. Sebenarnya saya ngga terlalu ngefans sama karakter ini (Kamiyu itu digambarkan di ceritanya sebagai drummer gendut, anti sosial, dan pervert), but somehow i love the action figure. Mungkin karena gendut lucu kali yah keliatannya.
*the photo is taken by Nechan

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Saddest Movie Ever

Bungee Jumping Of Their Own
Actually I'm not a fan of Korean movies (which i think are grossly overrated), tapi entah kenapa film ini bener2 menyentuh gw deep down inside, cut my heart like a knife through butter, and made me cry like a baby. Yes, gw sebagai cowo ngga malu untuk mengakui bahwa gw nangis hebat setelah nonton film ini. If you dont cry after watching this, then i think you dont have a heart :p
It’s quite beautiful in its own way- both the story and the gorgeous visuals throughout. Udah banyak emang cerita tentang pasangan cowo-cewe yang nemuin cinta sejatinya , but Bungee Jumping of their Own takes this theme and uses it to its full potential, tying together the past and the present whilst hinting at the future and eternity. As a love story, it is well told, beautifully.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RIP Patrick Swayze

Woke up this morning and saw a quite shocking news : Patrick Swayze died.

"Patrick Swayze, the hunky actor who danced his way into moviegoers' hearts with "Dirty Dancing" and then broke them with "Ghost," died Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 57."

Friday, September 11, 2009

My way into music

So how the hell i became addicted to music in the first place?
Dimulai dari ketertarikan gw pada koleksi kaset bokap nyokap jaman gw SD kelas 1 (kalo ga salah), gw mulai menyimak lagu-lagu Phil Collins, The Carpenters, Milli Vanilli (wkakaakak), Tommy Page, dan kebetulan waktu itu kakak gw juga lagi getol2nya mengidolakan New Kids On The Block, jadilah gw juga ikutan kebawa (wong tiap pagi disetel keras2 hahaha). Dan nyokap waktu itu punya banyak banget kaset-kaset kompilasi macem evergreen lovesongs sama kumpulan hits2 gitu, jadinya cakrawala musik gw (halah) juga otomatis meluas. Dan jujur waktu itu juga gw sama sekali ga tertarik dengerin lagu anak2 macem Susan & Ria Enes, Melissa, Enno Lerian, dll. Gw lebih prefer dengerin lagu2 barat sambil baca teks nya (belagu bener lo De!!) Wakakakak. Yeah, silakan panggil gw belagu, tapi kenyataannya emang gw lebih tertarik ke situ, gimana dong?

Friday, August 28, 2009

I was quite shocked, actually...

Today i checked my Youtube account (which i've neglected for quite a long time now), and there's a new message in my inbox from this Irish guy named Jonny, saying :
"Watched your version of Goldfinger! Great version, love the acoustic variation and great lyrics, embedded it here."
He embedded my video to his blog!! LOL!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Me and Plurk

Yeah i can say that i'm quite addicted to Plurk right now. Its a microblogging site, just like Twitter, but in a more organized interface. There i used to share all my thoughts and feelings, either good or bad, and sometimes I also posted less-important stuffs such as what i am doing at the moment.
Di Plurk juga gw ketemu temen-temen baru yang menyenangkan, yang memiliki selera yang sama dengan gw, baik soal musik maupun film. Bahkan kita udah sering hang-out bareng.
Di tengah kerjaan gw yang stressful, Plurk jadi salah satu alternatif gw buat ngelepas kepenatan otak. I dunno, it just feels kinda fun to response a silly thread made by your friends, or doing a random chat with them that actually goes nowhere hahahaha. It really wears my burden down.
Well, I'm not a marketing guy of Plurk and i have no intent to promote it here. So dont have any cynical thought about this. I'm just posting what I'm feeling currently, thats all. Oh ya, if you want to be my Plurk-mate, just visit my Plurk and add me as your friend. Cheers...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What's My Myers-Briggs Personality Type? (yep, another Facebook quiz)

ISFJ (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment)

You are quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. You are committed and steady in meeting your obligations. You are thorough, painstaking, and accurate. You are loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to you, and concerned with how others feel. You strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.

Famous people with your same ISFJ personality include: Former US First Lady Barbara Bush, figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi, Mother Theresa, General Robert E. Lee, and actor Michael Caine.

Oh well, this is really accurate, LOL...

Friday, August 21, 2009

You sick cow...

Okay. Let me get this straight.